tidbits #5

lavender for massage and skin irritations

A massage therapist had a short testimony on a site I came across that said:

“I use lavender for any skin irritation, scrapes, burns, cold sores, anything angry. It removes pain almost instantly and heals the irritation usually within a day. Also, try Cypress for bruising and varicose veins.”  Good tips!

lavender for sleep and psoriasis

On Facebook I saw where a friend said, “Oh holy psoriasis! Urgh!”,  I suggested that I’ve read lavender oil can help heal psoriasis, but she discovered another benefit. Here is our thread of conversation:

Me: Have you tried essential oil of lavender on your psoriasis? I’ve read it does wonders and you can put it directly on the affected area.

Friend: No, Linda, but I will!

Me: just make sure you get 100% pure essential oil, which you can usually find at the health food store.

Friend: Interesting…it’s worth a shot! I’ll look for it this weekend. Thanks for the tip!


Friend: I am currently slightly covered in 100% Lavender oil. It’s interesting! We shall see.

Me: Yay…I sure hope it helps! It smells wonderful and is also supposed to be calming.

Friend: Oh yeah, I put it on and I was immediately sooooo tired. I almost felt like I’d taken some sort of sleeping pill. Guess that’ll have to be saved for late in the evening! lol

Me: It might have been because you’re not used to it…you only need a couple drops and they go a long way. I chuckled that it made you so tired…essential oils are also powerful anti-depressants and are much safer than drugs and smell so good! If the lavender essential oil is too strong for you, you can put about 20 or 30 drops per ounce of a carrier oil like jojoba, or almond oil, or grapeseed oil and then apply.

essential oils dissolve plaque on teeth

Here’s something interesting I read: “Essential oils possess interesting characteristics when it comes to dental plaque.  They seem to be able to dissolve it chemically, even when there is no mechanical brushing or flossing.  Further, of course, they add an antiseptic benefit that cannot be equaled in conventional toothpaste.”

The toothpaste I’ve been using that has essential oil of tea tree and peppermint. It is from “Desert Essence” and leaves your mouth so fresh and your teeth whiter. A tube lasts a long time as a small dab goes a long ways for me. It comes in other flavors too (neem, fennel, ginger and wintergreen). It contains no toxins (fluoride or SLS). I like discovering natural products that I find better than the commercial brands which contain all kinds of ingredients we shouldn’t put on our skin, let alone in our mouth.

bug repellant

I was with a friend, Emilia, visiting a local farm in the Guadalupe Valley wine country in Baja California, Mexico. We were by the cows and the bull was in a separate stall. Emilia noticed there were flies all around the bulls eyes so she went to the car and got some essential oils she had with her. She put some around the eyes of the bull and the flies were instantly gone. Wow! It was amazing how fast they just disappeared. Essential oils are an excellent bug repellent, plus they’re good for you—not like commercial bug repellents that can contain toxic chemicals.

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