my weight loss tidbits

I am not an expert, but these are a few tips that helped me in my weight loss journey…

don’t let yourself get hungry

I allow myself to eat all I want of fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains and nuts, as long as they are unprocessed and organic as much as possible. I failed every time I tried a diet of restricting calories, as I am not good at being hungry. Whenever I would try to restrict myself I would eventually end up eating enough to make up for what I had lacked.

I have read that when your body gets the nutrients it needs, the food cravings stop…and I found that to be true.

have plenty of healthy fast food on hand

I keep healthy, ready to eat, whole foods available for when I’m in a hurry and need something quick and easy.

educate yourself / research

My diet changes with the seasons AND depending on what I’ve read or researched recently. As I’ve learned about foods that harm and foods that heal, I find myself adjusting my diet.

get rid of anything you shouldn’t eat

Don’t have food that you are avoiding in the house…eliminate temptations, but replace them with something tasty, that you enjoy eating. Then, when the munchies attack, you have something to replace that craving.

eat seasonally

When it is hot in the summer my diet is more raw, with lots of smoothies and cold, crispy salads…in the winter I enjoy hot teas and make yummy soups.

don’t be afraid to weigh yourself

I’ve heard people say you should only weigh yourself once a week, but when I was losing weight I loved weighing myself first thing in the morning to see the progress I was making… and I still usually weigh myself in the morning to keep tabs on my weight.

don’t get discouraged

If you are eating a clean, healthy diet and don’t start losing weight right away, don’t get discouraged…it takes time.

smoothie tip

I stick bags of greens, like spinach and kale, in the freezer…then when I’m making a smoothie I can grab a handful or two and add them to my smoothie super easy.

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